Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Peeps on Pilgrimage

I am a part of a women’s group who have been together now for 25 years. We have seen each other through most anything life can throw at a person. I love them dearly. Leaving them for this trip was very hard. Before I left we gathered and they gave me small gifts to take with me in the car. One woman, thinking I liked to eat the Easter candy called Peeps, gave me a package of four yellow bunny Peeps. I really don’t like the candy but I said I would take the Peeps with me.

They have proved to be great friends and fun to travel with. I set them on the seat next to me while I drive and sometimes-even talk with them. They are great listeners as I share my hopes and dreams, my anxieties and worries. I point out sites to them when I wish I had another human in the drivers seat. They don’t have much to contribute to the conversation but their presence comforts me.

I decided that I would start including them in pictures I took, much like I would do if I had another human along with me. Each time I snap their picture, I laugh. It is so fun to see how I can include them in a picture and whom I can get them to pose with.

I also have met friendly folks through the Peeps. When I bring them out of my bag to snap a picture I see folks looking at me and at them. That helps to start a conversation and then I don’t feel so isolated on this adventure. Other people laugh and share a bit of themselves or help me with the picture and I get to connect with others who are on a journey too. The Peeps help me stay connected to others. And they keep me connected to those I love who are not with me as I share the adventures of the Peeps. Thanks Pat!

WANT TO SEE THE PEEPS????? GO TO http://web.mac.com/estellas and enjoy!


Anonymous said...

Elvis and the Peeps! What a riot. Who knows what adventures await the Peeps on Pilgrimage, and what dangers they must avert along the way (being someone's meal).

I just got back from my ProCare appointment and remembered that exactly a week ago you began this journey. It already seems like a MONTH. So much life already lived...I miss you!

Anonymous said...

Hey you,

It's wonderful to read your updates. I'm glad you have your Peeps to keep you company.

Libbie, that Easy Street Detour took me back! On a drive home from the coast when my sister and I were preteens, we begged our mom to take a side trip to Cosmopolis. It was worse than you'd expect from the name. Seriously disappointing. In other words a fond and lasting memory.

You keep posting and I'll keep reading!


Carrie B.